Hippeastrum ex Taipas

David Pilling david@davidpilling.com
Sun, 18 Aug 2019 06:58:35 PDT

The following was sent by James Shields


This little plant has been in my collection for 10 years now, but blooms 
only sparsely.  This cute mini Hippeastrum is from Taipas in Brazil. It 
still lacks a scientific name, but Mauro Peixoto and his collaborators 
are working on giving it one.  So far. most who grow it are calling it 
Hippeastrum "Taipas."  I think its proper designation at this point is 
Hippeastrum sp. nov. ex Taipas.  Mauro offered seeds of this species two 
or three times.  I got the seeds for this plant in 2008.

I had a bounteous bloom of Taipas seedlings a few years back and 
distributed seeds from that year, but have not gotten seeds from them 
since.  I will try again this year, as another plant of Taipas has a 
scape starting to grow.  I am storing some of its pollen just in case. 
has not offered seeds of Taipas for several years now.

The peduncle is about 42 cm high on this greenhouse-grown specimen, the 
pedicel is 30 to 35 mm long, and the diameter across the face of 
flowers, petal tips to petal tips, is 70 mm (2.8 inches).  Regis 
Bastian, in Brazil, thinks this species is probably related to the new 
Hippeastrum species, H. ramboi, whose naming he participated in.  These 
are exciting time in genus Hippeastrum!

James Shields             jshields46074@gmail.com
P.O. Box 92
Westfield, IN 46074

David Pilling
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