Mystery tigridia

Paul Tropheus
Mon, 05 Aug 2019 21:41:13 PDT
Paul Flowers here - I also bought a batch of seeds which so far have all turned out to be red pavona, and indeed a range of very expensive bulbs from Paul Christian that turned out to be red pavona too. This pendant one has given me hope though! I have a few other species that look like they may flower this summer; so fingers crossed

All together I got  two batches of tigridia seed from Mexico via eBay - two and three years ago. eBay records don’t seem to go back that far (I’ll check on my PC) and I did keep one letter, which had an address, for the stamps (but this Might be the pavona dealer) but not sure I still have it. There is a Facebook group where I think there are seed exchanges (Spanish language).

Thanks so much for the suggested ID-  T. hallbergii subsp. lloydii.

All the best

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