Colchicum article in Gardens Illustrated

Kathy Purdy
Thu, 20 Dec 2012 14:53:52 PST
There is an 8 page article on colchicums in the latest issue (#191) of the
British magazine Gardens Illustrated. Gorgeous photos and honest
descriptions: "Don't be misled by names such as 'Violet Queen', 'Lilac
Wonder', or *C. atropurpureum*. . . . Most are either pinkish or purplish
or pinkish-purplish or albino." I am always happy to see colchicums get
some good press, and to compare the photos with what's growing in my
garden. I think 'Antares' has a deeper flush in my garden, for example. I
also need to find a source for 'Pink Goblet'.

Kathy Purdy
Cold Climate Gardening: providing the information you need
to succeed in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 and colder.

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