Haemanthus deformis repotting

Hannon othonna@gmail.com
Wed, 05 Dec 2012 13:16:18 PST

A 6" azalea pot (plastic or clay) is fine for this species and should serve
well as long as you grow it. The roots system does not justify a larger pot
(and greater soil volume) and may encourage rot. I have grown this species
for years and, as you describe, the leaves fold over the pot edges
completely, making watering from above impossible. Consequently, I dunk the
plant (totally underwater) in its pot in a tub of water every two weeks or
so in summer. In winter the rains and cool temps, and deep shade, result in
little or no water stress or need for watering. I would suggest spring or
summer repotting as it hails from a summer rainfall region, in spite of the
emergence of new leaves in winter. When repotting, go with the smallest
size the roots can be accommodated in rather than bulb or leaf dimensions.
It likes to be pot-bound.

Dylan Hannon

On 5 December 2012 12:27, Stephen Putman <putman@pobox.upenn.edu> wrote:

> My Haem. deformis is just finishing blooming and is sending up new
> leaves.  It now sits in a 6" clay pot.  The previous set of leaves were
> probably about 6" each, laying flat on the planting medium surface and
> then curling down past the edge of the pot.  How big a pot can I safely
> use for repotting (the current one is a 6" "azalea" pot)?  What do I do
> about the curled older leaves, as they will tend to force the bulb up
> and out of the medium, and/or be bent and broken by being forced to lay
> flat on the surface of the bigger pot?  A I correct in assuming that
> this might be a good time to repot, just as new growth was commencing?
> Not, I realize, earth shattering questions, but I guessed that one or
> more of my PBS colleagues may have dealt with this issue.
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