On Dec 3, 2012, at 10:42 AM, Jim McKenney wrote: > > > Iris unguicularis started to bloom here today, too. My Maryland garden is at about the same latitude (39.0839) as Jim Waddick's place in Kansas City, MO (39.0997) but he is USDA 5ish and I'm USDA 7. Also, the plant blooming today is in a cold frame; a companion plant a few feet away but not inside the cold frame has not yet started to bloom. I don't see buds on I. cretensis or I. lazica yet. Dear PBSers, Although our latitudes might be similar, our climates are quite different. I am on the edge of the great plains- short grass prairie while Jim McK is in the eastern woodlands and with some ocean moderation. My I unguiculares is growing in the ground (loess clay over limestone). I have I cretensis (Thanks Jane) growing nearby, but it has only been in the ground for a single winter and I hope will bloom this year after being well settled. I lazica has been nearby for 3 winters and bloomed very well, but much later in Feb to March. None of these are listed as suited to my USDA zone so I am 'pushing ' them somewhat. Best Jim W.