All the Sprekelia formossissima I thought I was growing, are Habranthus robustus RussellManning, Alani. As you say, they are more like a weed, the whole family of them, a very pretty weed though. I had given a friend who is growing some plants, with little knowledge, some seeds of the H. robustus a couple of years ago. Yesterday she got her first flowers. She is over the moon, so delicate and pretty..... I love the first flower of the H. brachyandrus! Certainlydifferent. Ina On 30/12/2012 2:42 p.m., Alani Davis wrote: > I admit to guessing a bit, but your plant in the photo seems well within > the range I have seen for Habranthus robustus. > Alani -- Ina Crossley Auckland New Zealand Zone 10