PBS Treasury

arnold140@verizon.net arnold140@verizon.net
Tue, 18 Dec 2012 16:50:21 PST
 I just wanted to send out a reminder for a couple of Treasury related items.

First all BX outstanding payments should be up to date by the end of the year.

All payments up to BX 330 should be settled.  If paying via PayPal please put the BX number in the note section, this will assure proper credit for your payment.

Any questions about balances can be sent to this email address, payments directly to PBS.treasury@verizon.net.

Also it's  membership Renewal time.

Payments can be made through the PBS website at:


Or by check to me.  Please mark the check as a Membership Renewal.

A new Bulb Garden will be mailed in just a few days with a wonderful article on Italian Irises.

Thanks for all you support .

Treasurer, PBS

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