slight OT: reusing wire frames & keeping away critters

Linda Foulis
Sun, 16 Dec 2012 08:10:16 PST

Kathleen said - "Now I can plant clumps and know the deer can't easily get
to them. Yes, I'll have to anchor the frames with long stakes, to ensure
deer don't toss the frames out of the ground."

It is amazing what some of us go through to grow beloved tulips.  I sure do
miss my drifts of tulips that grew easily in the middle of Calgary.  I gave
up when we moved to Okotoks, AB and haven't bothered here in Red Deer, AB.
Yes, it's named Red Deer for that reason, and even mid city I'm visited
nightly by deer.  

I am finding the coyote urine effective though, so maybe ....  Coyote urine
can be picked up at Wolverine or probably any other outdoor store.  Comes in
a aerosol can and is about $10.  Seems to be effective for about a week,
depending on the weather.

Red Deer, AB
Zone 3

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