The recent email on Brodiaea and earlier on cyclamen from seed, prompts me to mention an article in the current RHS Garden magazine, titled "From seed to seed in 20 weeks". Surprisingly, for me, this is an article on growing Gladiolus, in effect as annuals. Gladiolus dalenii is mentioned but carneus also suggested. I was aware of Freesias being grown this way but not Gladiolus. With John Grimshaw reminding us that cyclamen (hederifolium?) can be pushed to flower in 1 year, and then gladiolus in less than 20 weeks, I wonder what else. Is brodiaea a candidate. The article suggests other possible corms, but is it only corms and not bulbs? The gladiolus they sow liberally in 10 litre pots, half filled with peat/bark/grit and the seed sown on the top half of seed compost in March. Then germinating, hardening off, feeding, planting out and flowering, 16 weeks later. Collecting your next years seed in August. The Gladiolus viridiflorus that I sowed from AGS seed at the end of December is already over 2" tall; maybe I should start feeding gently, and drop the small pot into a much larger pot. Anyone know a recipe for surplus Gladiolus corms? Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, zone ~8 PS There is also a well illustrated article by John on the smaller daffodils in the same magazine.