Hi all, I looked up Moraea hiemalis in Peter Goldblatt's "The Moraeas of Southern Africa" and found it limited in range to central KwaZulu-Natal, at elevations from 1000 to 2000 meters. It should be a summer growing plant, given its native habitat. It produces a single leaf. It apparently flowers in mid-winter, at the end of its growing season, often with no leaf left or only a part of the leaf remaining green. I would suggest growing it in a greenhouse in winter and moving its pot outdoors for the summer, in full sun, at least in climates like mine where the temperatures go well below freezing in winter. In my experience, certain of the Moraea resent being transplanted, although not as much as the Dierama resent it. So it might be well to sow seeds in the pots where you expect to grow them for the first several years. I'd be interested in hearing what experiences others have had growing Moraea hiemalis in the garden or greenhouse. Best wishes, Jim Shields in central Indiana (USA), where the sun has come out and the snow should melt off today ************************************************* Jim Shields USDA Zone 5 Shields Gardens, Ltd. P.O. Box 92 WWW: http://www.shieldsgardens.com/ Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA Tel. ++1-317-867-3344 or toll-free 1-866-449-3344 in USA