Wish Lists and the BX

Jacob Knecht sabepafronta@yahoo.com
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 16:00:33 PST
Greetings friends,

This is interesting.  I maintain two bulb collections,
one in Santa Barabara, CA and the other in Honolulu,
Hawai`i where I live.

I would be interested in seed of South African and
South American Amaryllidaceae, both those from a
Western Cape, eastwards and upwards to subtropical and
tropical bulb species.  

As for African genera, I am very keen on Gethyllis,
Haemanthus, Brunsvigia etc.  I echo Jim's desires for
Scadoxus species such as pole-evansiae, cinnabarinus,
and cyrtanthiflorus.

And as for the American Amaryllidaceae I'm pretty much
interested in all of them!  With a special wish for
Griffinia and Eucharis seed.

Finally, I am interested in Calochortus and other
Theimidaceae bulbs that occur in Mexico and down
through Central America.

I am doubtful, however, owing to the rarity of the
plants that I've mentioned, would really even be
available for purchase to enrich our BX.

But I thought I'd just share my input.


Jacob Knecht

--- "J.E. Shields" <jshields@indy.net> wrote:

> I can play this game too!
> There is a source for seeds of several Brazilian
> species of Hippeastrum.  I 
> would like to get seeds of the Argentinean and the
> Bolivian species of 
> Hippeastrum as well --  but not hybrid seeds!
> Are seeds of Chilean bulbs available anymore?  I got
> some nice Rhodophiala 
> species a few years ago.  By the way, those
> Rhodophiala seeds remain viable 
> at room temperature for years on end!  There are
> other genera beside 
> Rhodophiala in Chile that are also attractive and
> enticing.
> I want to see seeds of more uncommon species of
> Haemanthus and Scadoxus 
> available.  For example,  HH. tristus, amarylloides,
> namaquensis, and 
> canaliculatus;  SS. pole-evansiae, cinnabarinus,
> cyrtanthiflorus, and nutans
> Summer growing Gladiolus species, from the
> Drakensberg and Eastern Cape 
> Province, for instance.
> Cyclamen seeds from the species.  If I can nurse my
> C. graecum back to 
> enough health to flower, I can try to donate seeds
> of C. graecum someday.
> Hardy species of Fritillaria, seeds of the real
> species of the names that 
> Chen Yi lists in her bulb sales.
> And I like Paige's suggestion about seed
> expeditions.  I might be willing 
> to chip in a little bit to support one of those. 
> Thinking of going to 
> China again, Paige?  Maybe you ought to.
> Things that I am not eager to grow from seeds
> include Galanthus, Crocus, 
> Tulipa, and Narcissus.  I'm too old to wait for
> those kinds of seeds to get 
> around to flowering.  However, I'd definitely be
> interested in BULBS of 
> Galanthus, Crocus, Tulipa, and Narcissus;  I'd also
> like some healthy bulbs 
> of Fritillaria, come to think of it.
> Dell didn't say our wishes had to be easy to
> fulfill, did he?
> Jim Shields
> in central Indiana (USA)
> *************************************************
> Jim Shields             USDA Zone 5            
> Shields Gardens, Ltd.
> P.O. Box 92              WWW:   
> http://www.shieldsgardens.com/
> Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA
> Tel. ++1-317-867-3344     or      toll-free
> 1-866-449-3344 in USA
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