Lee Poulsen wrote: > I recently saw a webpage > <http://chileflora.com/Florachilena/FloraEnglish/…> > that had photos of the following two bulb species from Chile: > Famatina maulensis > Solaria brevicoalita > > The Famatina looked like Phycella or maybe Rhodophiala to me. I didn't > recognize the Solaria species. Are these new genera, or synonyms for > other genera? (This website had many other Chilean plant species in its > database with many photos. It had Phycella and Rhodophiala species as well.) <snip> Did you notice that the authority for both the Famatina and Solaria is the famous/notorious Ravenna ? -jrf -- Jim Fisher Vienna, Virginia USA 38.9 N 77.2 W USDA Zone 7 Max. 100 F [38 C], Min. 10 F [-12 C]