Hi all: I have recently collected an Hippeastrum from the province of Corrientes (Argentina) from the same place where the holoptype "first collected voucher" of Amaryllis euryphylla Ravenna (Hippeastrum) has been collected. It will bloom in very few days, it seems it will be a long white trumpet, greenish outside. Within the subgenus Macropodastrum, in Argentina has been cited H. argentinum and H. parodii, but they live in completely different habitats. There are two other species from Brazil that could match the description, one is Hippeastrum brasilianum and the other one is Hippeastrum solandriflorum, if anyone has pictures (appart for the IBS pics) and information, such as flowering, production of bulblets of this species, please let me know. New pictures of this plant will be available soon. Best wishes Germán