New Member

Cynthia Mueller
Tue, 01 Jan 2008 11:10:47 PST
Welcome, Lee, to the Pacific Bulb Society!  There's plenty of learn here.  I'm not too far away from you in College Station, Tx so we've probably killed the same plants over a period of time....but there are lots to choose from that will grow for us.  More later, Cynthia Mueller

>>> "Lee &/or Dee Garner" <> 1/1/2008 12:27 PM >>>
Hello everyone! I recently became a new member of PBS and wanted to introduce myself.
  I'm Lee Garner of Willis, Texas, USA ( 75 miles north of Houston -zone 8A)....I have been a gardener for many years but have developed a love & facination of geophytes within the past few years and yearning to learn more. Thanks to the wonderful work of so many...creating the WIKI,...(which I have been referencing the past year)...I've been learning so much....delightful!
  I currently grow Hippeastrums,Crinums, Zephyranthes, Habranthus, Alliums, Rhodophiala, Lycoris, Hymenocallis, Hemerocallis, Hebertia, Ismene and a few other things! Thank you for accepting another student within the group! 
  I must ask for assistance....since I don't fully understand how the Seed & Bulb Exchange
works. I've perused the lists of so many....but I'm unaware of the normal protocol for the
"exchange" of seeds or bulbs from the various members....or how I contact others about doing so.   Again,...thanks to all for such a wonderful resource!      Lee
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