Tom asked about how soon to move seedling Brodiaea bulbs out of the seed pots and how long to keep them watered. On watering, I water them until the leaves start to wither, then I put them in the shade, covering the flat of seed pots to prevent excessive drying. In late summer I tip them out and transplant the bulbs, which can be recognized at this stage if you haven't used a soil mix that has confusing-looking particles, into larger containers, which I plunge in sand in a bulb frame. Most Brodiaeas are pretty large plants and benefit from occasional applications of soluble fertilizer, diluted to about half the strength recommended for annuals. Another tip about the Themidaceae in general is that they get larger and flower more abundantly if the bulbs are planted quite deeply. Jane McGary Northwestern Oregon, USA Still snowy, but melting fast under pelting rain and sleet.