Wiki Additions--Hippeastrum, Macropidia, Anigozanthos

Mary Sue Ittner
Tue, 15 Jan 2008 07:19:00 PST

Roitman has added some more Argentinean species to the Hippeastrum wiki 
page, H. angustifolium, H. aglaiae, and H. iguazuanum  and one from Brazil, 
Hippeastrum santacatarina :…

A number of years ago Lee Poulsen created some wiki pages for the two 
genera commonly known as Kangaroo Paws, plants from Western Australia that 
grow from rhizomes and have wonderfully strange often hairy flowers. I've 
added some pictures we took on our trip to Australia. I have some more I'll 
be adding soon.
Macropidia fulginosa is the black Kangaroo Paw, the only species in that 
genus. We saw it at King's Park and Botanical Garden, Perth. The native 
spring wildflower display in this park was absolutely amazing.…
In King's Park we also saw Anigozanthos manglesii which is the floral 
emblem of Western Australia. It is not very disease resistant and 
apparently short lived in cultivation so I wonder if they are adding new 
ones all the time. The other pictures are habitat pictures of Anigozanthos 
flavidus and Anigozanthos humilis. I'll let you know when I get around to 
adding some of the other pictures of plants we saw in the wild and in gardens.…

Mary Sue  

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