Dear All, I have added some of the fall and winter blooming Narcissus pictures to the wiki. Most of these are still in bloom at the moment. I know there are many Narcissus experts on our list so I hope you will correct any that I've named improperly. The first are on the Narcissus species page:… I'm including some of the text from the existing pictures on the wiki along with my additions for your references. The Narcissus cantabricus I grow was from Bill Dijk originally. I had one labeled Narcissus monophyllus, but I understand N. cantabricus is the correct name. I'm growing mine in containers where I can shelter them from the often heavy rain we can get in November and December when they are in bloom. They are such welcome additions that time of the year. From the wiki: Narcissus cantabricus This "hoop petticoat" species comes from southern Spain, the Balearic Islands, Algeria, and Morocco, and is extremely variable with several subspecies. The plant identified in the photo as "clusii" (not a valid taxonomic name) was grown from seed obtained from the Scottish Rock Garden Club exchange and is probably identical or very similar to plants grown in the UK under this identifying or "garden" name. It has upfacing pure white flowers on very short stems. Photo by Jane McGary.… In northern California these plants start blooming in the fall (sometimes as early as October) and continue to bloom for months, often until January. Photos by Mary Sue Ittner…… Narcissus psedonarcissus is growing in the ground where recently it was blooming the same day as an Iris unguicularis that has been sending up these gorgeous blooms for months every now and then. It is one of those lucky unplanned combinations in my garden. From the wiki: Narcissus pseudonarcissus from Europe is a very variable species both in size and in color (white to yellow or bicolored.) Perhaps someone can help me identify which subspecies this one is blooming in January 2005. Photo by Mary Sue Ittner.… I'm including the wiki text for the other Narcissus romieuxii pictures in this message because Arnold's look so different from the rest. For one thing the color is not the pale yellow of the others. Is there that much variation in this species? I love these plants that start to bloom in December here in northern California and some years last for months. From the wiki: Narcissus romieuxii is very similar to Narcissus bulbocodium but is distinguished by have a short pedicel and protruding stamens. Flowers are pale yellow. This is an early flowering species (winter) and is a native of Morocco. Photo by Arnold Trachtenberg. Grown from seed indoors under HID lights…… Narcissus romieuxii 'Julia Jane' flowering in mid winter. Grown and photographed by Rob Hamilton.… Narcissus romieuxii subsp. albidus var. zaianicus is described as having upward-facing pale lemon flowers with shorter tepals than the subspecies. My plants were identified as Narcissus romieuxii var. zaianicus. Regardless of the correct name this is a very satisfactory plant, blooming well each year between late December and March, sometimes for months. Photo by Mary Sue Ittner.… Narcissus romieuxii subsp. romieuxii var. rifanus flowering in January in northwestern Oregon, in a bulb frame. Purchased as seed (under the name N. riffanus) from Monocot Nursery, collector's number SL333. Native to Morocco. These plants do not have the green tips on the petals mentioned by John Blanchard in "Narcissus: A Guide to Wild Daffodils" but otherwise conform to his description. Photo by Jane McGary… Finally I added some pictures of a new one for me from Dave Karnstedt. I became interested in the Barwick hybrids after our joint Narcissus topic of the week with Alpine-l last year. People wrote about what good plants they were. I'm a great fan of Miss Marple so having 'Smarple' was my choice and I'm thrilled for it to be in bloom.… Narcissus 'Smarple' is one of the Rod Barwick 'Detective hybrids' named for fictional detectives. (Smarple = MisS MARPLE). These hybrids may benefit from moisture in the soil at their roots during their dormancy. Container grown and flowering in January 2005 in California. The buds are a darker yellow and once the flowers open they become a very pale creamy yellow. Photos by Mary Sue Ittner.…… This is my spring is coming present for you in colder climates! Mary Sue