Dr. Vlastimil Pilous, Jiraskova St. 396, 543 71 Hostinné, CZECH REPUBLIC Fax 00420 499 441373, E-mail: vlpilous@seznam.cz SEED-LIST 2004-2005 Dear Friends, I send you my new seed list now. All seeds are high quality and are harvest from plants true to name. Part of seeds was collected in its natural habitats by me or my botanist-friends, second part from plants in my garden, but all from plants with native origin. Unless otherwise indicated, packets contains 20 seeds. Order will be processed in the order of arrival. The money (EUR or equivalent in USD, GBP) send me kindly after receiving my shipment. Please, add EUR 1.00, bigger order 2.00, overseas EUR 2.00, bigger order 4.00 to cover postage and handling. If you need Phytosanitary Certificate (especially overseas friends - Czech Republic is in EU now), write me and add EUR 5.00. The money sum up to EUR 50.00 is possible send as cash (in my risk) in non translucence registered mail, the greater sum send as a cheque in the registered mail. The German and other EU states friends send please the money also to my friend Stanislav Holoubek, Sparkasse Passau, Bankleitzahl 740 500 00, Kontonummer 694240. Because of technical problems I am not able to arrange orders smaller than EUR 10.00. Important information: I have got a special request to you, because I am permanently very busy. That is why I will not send bills for seeds and I would like to ask you to count the money by yourself (plus postage and P.C - see above) after receiving parcel and to send to me then. Please, do not send any money in advance (together with order). And one probleme more. Please for indulgencee: last years I had just few packets of some rare plants (for example Daphnes, some Paeonies etc.). But there were tens of orders (some customers ordered even 5 packets for one person). Some customers who did not get it were very displeased. But how am I supposed to get the seeds for everyone? This year the situation is quite similar at some species. I kindly ask you not to order more packets of one species for one person which are marked "limited stock". Thank you. EUR Actaea pachypoda (attractive red and white fruits) 1.00 Adonis cyllenea (Kandila, Central Peloponese, Greece, 1600 m), new rediscovered sp. from Greek Mts., first in culture by us, beautiful large fl., hardy 4.00 Allium akaka (Chorasan, E. Turkey), very low, two broad leaves 2.00 albopilosum (Firiusa, Turkestan) 1.00 bodeanum (Gorgan, Iran), very attractive, low, limited stock 4.00 crispum (Oregon, USA), low, nice bright color 2.00 giganteum (Nurek, Tadjikistan), native, hardy form 2.00 kharputense (top of Nemrut Dag, SE Turkey), broad lvs., attractive creamy fls. 2.00 materculae (Mts. SE from Yerevan, Armenia), related to A. akaka. New in culture 4.00 mirum (Afghanistan), one-leaf sp., very beautiful and attractive, limited stock 5.00 nigrum (Rodhos , Greece), robust, decorative sp, pink fls. (not black) 1.00 protensum (Turkish-Syrian border), related to A. schubertii, large umbel, new in culture 3.00 sp. (Kop Pass, E Turkey), low, nice, dark violet fls 1.00 Anemonopsis macrophyllum, attractive Japanese woodlander, August flowering 1.00 Arum concinatum (Rethymno ,Crete), large pink-green spathe-limb 1.00 creticum (Mt. Ida, Crete), bright yellow fls., most beautiful of Arums 2.00 dioscoridis (Kas, S Turkey), attractive spotted fls. 1.00 nigrum (Ombla near Dubrovnik, Dalmatia), large black spathe, hardy in Central Europa 1.00 Bellevalia forniculata (Tahir, Palandoken Mts., E Turkey), azure blue, most beautiful colored Bellevalia 2.00 hyacinthoides (Parnassos Mts, Greece),low, the most attractive of Bellevalias 1.00 paradoxa (Palandoken Mts., E Turkey)robust, dark blue 2.00 pycnantha (Sarikamis, E Turkey), other robust, dark blue sp. 2.00 rixii (Güzeldere Pass, E Turkey), unusual brown-violet fls., new described 2.00 Bongardia chrysogonum (Nur Dagh, SE Turkey),very unusual, tuberous, yellow fls., limited stock 3.00 Brimeura amethystine (Hyacinthus amethystinus) (Ordessa, Pyrenees), lovely, low 1.00 Colchicum alpinum (Gran Paradiso, Alps), small nice sp. 2.00 cupani (Hymettos Mt., Greece), very low 2.00 doerfleri (Suha Planina Mt., Macedonia ) spring flowering, low, attractive fls., 3.00 hirsutum (Mardin, SE Turkey), spring flowering, very low, many very early fls. 3.00 polyphyllum (Ziyaret Mt, SE Turkey), many narrow lvs, many autumn fls. 2.00 sfikasianum (Monemvasia. Peloponese, Greece), very attractive, checkered fls. 4.00 szovitzii (Cam Pass, E Turkey), nice, low, spring flowering 2.00 szovitzii (Zigana Pass, NE Turkey) 2.00 triphyllum robust form (Kirobashi, Central Taurus), many fls., spring flowering 2.00 variegatum (Akseki, Central Taurus Mts., Turkey), attractive checkered fls. 2.00 Crocus aerius (Soganli Pass, NE Turkey) 3.00 aleppicus (Kizil, Turkish-Syrian border) 3.00 banaticus (Vadul Crisului, Bihor Mts.,Romania), limited stock 2.00 baytopiorum (Dirmil, West Taurus, Turkey) 2.00 chrysanthus (Kahraman Maras, Central Turkey), limited stock 1.00 danfordiae ( Tufanbeyli, Central Turkey), limited stock 2.00 fleischeri (Samos Isl., Greece), limited stock 1.00 karduchorum (Hizan, SE Turkey) , limited stock 3.00 kotschyanus ssp. hakkariensis (Mor Dagh, Turkish-Iranian border)) 2.00 kotschyanus ssp. suworowianus (Palandoken Mts., E Turkey) 2.00 vallicola (Zigana Pass, E. Turkey) 3.00 veluchensis (Komovi Mts., Montenegro) 1.00 Convallaria keiskei (Japan) 3.00 Daphne kosaninii (Suha Gora Mts., Macedonia), true (!) with open n ice pink fls., not semi-closed as Bulgarian form, very rare, Macedonian form new in culture, 10 seeds 5.00 malyana (Durmitor Mts. , Montenegro), extra low, new in culture, 10 seeds, limited stock 6.00 Degenia velebitica (Velebit mts., Croatia), attractive fls. and fruits, too 1.00 Dipcadi serotinum (Cazorla, Spain), unusual, late brown fls. 1.00 Diphylleia cymosa, N American woodlander, unusual 1.00 Edraianthus horvatii (Galicica Mts, S Macedonia), low, nice , new described, limited stock 3.00 Eranthis cilicica (Ala Dag, East Taurus Mts., SE Turkey) 2.00 cilicica (Mor Dag, Turkish-Iranian border) 2.00 longistipitata (Chimgan Mt., Uzbeskistan) 3.00 Eremurus aitchisonii (Nurek, Tadjikistan), the biggest and most representative of Eremuruses, large bright pink fls. 2.00 Erythronium caucasicum (Chiaturi, Transcaucasus), big white fls, limited stock 3.00 dens canis (Krsko, Slovenia), native, robust form 2.00 dens canis (Formigal, Pyrenees) native 1.00 Fritillaria alfredae subsp. glaucoviridis (Nurdag, SE Turkey) 2.00 alburyana (Palandoken Mts., E Turkey), 4.00 armena (Cam Pass, NE Turkey) 2.00 aurea (Pozanti, E Taurus, Turkey) 3.00 bithynica (Samos Isl. , Greece) 1.00 bucharica ( Aktash Nt., Uzbekistan) 2.00 carica (Samos Isl., Greece) 2.00 carica (Arpacik, West Taurus Mts., Turkey) 2.00 carica ssp. serpenticola (Golhisar, West Taurus) 3.00 caucasica (Sarikamis, E Turkey) 2.00 collina (lutea) (Bakuriani, Trancaucasus) 4.00 conica (Methoni, Peloponese, Greece) 2.00 crassifolia ssp. kurdica (Gevas, Van Lake, E Turkey) 3.00 davisii (Areopolis, Peloponese, Greece) 1.00 drenowskyi (Falakron Mts., N Greece) 3.00 Fritillaria epirotica (Metsovo, Central Greece), very low form 3.00 fleischeriana (Eskisehir,W.Turkey) 3.00 forbesii (Datca, W Turkey), more robust, open form form 3.00 frankorum (Ziyaret Mts., SE Turkey), new described 2003, very rare 5.00 graeca ssp. graeca (Hymettos Mt., Greece) 1.00 graeca, other, forest form (Kalavrita, Peloponese, Greece) 2.00 grandiflora (Talysh Mts., Azerbaijan) 4.00 gussichae (Jakupica Mts,., Macedonia) 1.00 hermonis amana (Nur dag, SE Turkey) 3.00 kittaniae (Central Taurus near Kas, Turkey), new described 4.00 kotschyana (Mor Dag, Turkish-Iranian boundary) 3.00 latakiensis (Ziyaret Mts., SE Turkey) 1.00 latifolia (Ardehan, E Turkey), robust (Caucasian) form 3.00 macedonica (E Albania), very rare 5.00 messanensis ( Kambos, Peloponese, Greece), very robust form 2.00 michailowskyi (Palandoken Mts., E Turkey), the same place as F. alburyana, native form 1.00 minima (Gevas near Van Lake, E Turkey) 3.00 minuta (Tatvan, E Turkey) 2.00 moggridgei (Maritime Alps, France) 4.00 orientalis (Fiokdon valley, Caucasus), rare, not identical with F. montana, see Phillips-Rix, p. 96 3.00 pallidiflora (Kazakhstan) 1.00 pelinaea (Greek Isl., ), new described, best of yellow Frits. 5.00 pinardii (Cerkes, W Turkey) 2.00 rhodia (Rodhos Isl., Greece) 3.00 rhodocanakis (Hydra Isl., Greece) 3.00 rixii (Kandilio, Euboia, Greece) 4.00 ruthenica (Smolensk, Central Russia) 2.00 spetsiotica (Spetsos Isl. Greece) 4.00 stenanthera (Chimgan Mts., Uzbekistan) 2.00 straussii (Mor Dag, Turkish-Iranian border) 4.00 stribrnyi (Jambol, E Bulgaria) 3:00 thessala ssp. reiseri (Mt. Petala, W Greece) 3.00 tortifolia (Xinjiang, China) 4.00 tuntasia (Kythnos Isl., Greece) 3.00 yuminensis (Xi njiang, China) 4.00 whittallii (Central Taurus Mts. near Kas, Turkey) 2.00 Galanthus artjushenkoae (Talysh Mts., Azerbaijan), new described 1999, very rare,10 seeds 5.00 caucasicus (alpinus var. alpinus) (Bakuriani, Trancaucasus) 3.00 elwesii (Turkish form, Kirobashi, Central Taurus) 1.00 fosteri (Gaziantep, SE Turkey), very limited stock 2.00 lagodechianus (Lagodechi national park, Caucasus) 4.00 peshmeni (Kemer, S Turkey) 3.00 reginae olgae ssp. reginae olgae (Taygetos Mts., Peloponese, Greece) 4.00 ssp- vernalis (Preveza, Epirus, Greece) 4.00 snogerupii (Greek Isl.) 3.00 Gymnospermium altaicum (Altai Mts, Russia) 3.00 Helleborus argutifolius (Corsica) 2.00 purpurascens (Vihorlat Mts., E Slovakia) 2.00 vesicarius (Gaziantep, Turkey), limited stock 3.00 viridis (Carcassone, Pyrenees) 1.00 Iris albomarginata /Juno/ (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), 10 seeds, limited stock 4.00 attica violet (Parnassos Mts., Greece) 3.00 attica yellow (Parnassos Mts., Greece) 3.00 brandzae /Limniris/ (Vrancea Mts., Romania), nice, low, violet fls., rare, almost unknown 2.00 bucharica /Juno/ (Chimgan, Uzbekistan), native ! 1.00 caucasica /Juno/ (Dzhvari, Transcaucasus) 2.00 galatica /Juno/ (Taspinar, Central Turkey) 4.00 graeberana /Juno/ (W Iran) 3.00 histrioides /Reticulata/ (Soganli Pass, NE Turkey) , native ! 3.00 Iris hoogiana /Regelia/ (Chimgan Mt., Uzbekistan) 2.00 kernerana /Limniris/ (Cerkes, Central Turkey), yellow, nice, rare in culture 3.00 linifolia /Juno/ (Tien-Shan Mts., Uzbeskistan) 3.00 magnifica /Juno/ (Samarkand, Uzbekistan) 1.00 magnifica alba (Samarkand, Uzbekistan) 1.00 nusairiensis /Juno/ (Jebel Nusairi, Syria) 3.00 parvula / Juno/ (Zeravshan Mts., Uzbekistan), very low, late 5.00 persica /Juno/ (Hop Pass, Mardin, SE Turkey) 3.00 pseudocaucasica /Juno/ (Van Lake, E Turkey) 4.00 sari /Oncocyslus/ (Gaziantep, SE Turkey), limited stock 3.00 stenophylla /Juno/ ( Kirobashi, E Taurus Mts., Turkey) , large fls., beautiful 4.00 willmottiana /Juno/ ( Alai Mts., Uzbeskistan) 3.00 winogradowii /Reticulata/ (Lomis Mta Mts. Transcaucasus), native ! 3.00 sp /Juno/ (Uzbekistan) 1.00 sp. /Juno/ (Uzbekistan) 1.00 sp. /Juno/ (Uzbekistan) 1.00 Jeffersonia diphyllla (N American woodlander) 2.00 dubia (Ussurian woodlander, Russia) 3.00 Korolkowia sewerzowii (Fritillaria) (Chimgan Mt., Uzbekistan), native 3.00 Lewisia rediviva (Idaho, USA) 3.00 Lilium duchartrei (Kanding, Sechuan, China) 2.00 Linum capitatum (S Pirin Mts, Bulgaria) 1.00 Muscari macrocarpum (Marmaris, SW Turkey), yellow fls., attractive large capsules 2.00 mirum (Dirmil Pass, West Taurus Mts., Turkey), unusual, one broad leaf, brown-violet fls. 2.00 muscarimi (also Dirmil Pass , West Taurus Mts, Turkey), yellow fls 2.00 pallens (Fiokdon valley, Caucasus), lovely, creamy fls., very rich flowering 1.00 Narcissus hedraeanthus (Cazorla, Spain) 3.00 pallidus (Cuenca , Spain) 2.00 requeinii (Montserrat, Spain) 1.00 romieuxii (Foret de Cedre, Morocco) 2.00 rupicola (Sierra de Guadarrama, Spain) 2.00 wattieri (Imlil, High Atlas, Morocco) 4.00 Nectaroscordum bulgaricum (Dobrudja, Romania) 1.00 Ornithogallum arianum (Aschabad, Turkestan), one of most beautiful sp. of Ornithogallums 2.00 magnum (Chiaturi, Transcaucasus), robust, decorative sp., for the first time in culture 3.00 Ostrowskyia magnifica (Darvaskij chrebet Mts., Tadjikistan), very rare and attractive, huge violet fls. 4.00 Paeonia anomala (Irkutsk, Siberia), 10 seeds, limited stock 3.00 berezowskyi (China), different from P. veitchii, 10 seeds 5.00 caucasica (daurica) (Sochi, Abchasia, West Caucasus), 10 seeds 3.00 coriacea (Sierra Nevada , Spain), 10 seeds, limited stock 6.00 dahurica (Crimea), 10 seeds 3.00 emodi (Himalaya), 10 seeds, very limited stock 5.00 kesrouanensis (Ziyaret Mts., SE Turkey), 10 seeds, very limited stock 6.00 lactiflora (East Asia), 10 seeds, limited stock, 4.00 mascula ssp. arietina (Soganli Pass, NE Turkey), 10 seeds 3.00 ssp. bodurii (Canakkale, W Turkey), new described, white fls., 10 seeds, very rare 6.00 hellenica ssp. hellenica (Steno, Euboia, Greece), 10 seeds 4.00 hellenica ssp. icarica (Ikaria Isl, Greece), 10 seeds 5.00 ssp. mascula (Baba Dag,, S Turkey), 10 seeds 2.00 mollis, 10 seeds 2.00 obovata ssp. willmottiana (China), 10 seeds, limited stock 4.00 officinalis ssp. humilis (Cazorla, Spain), 10 seeds 3.00 ssp. officinalis (Karst, Slovenija), 10 seeds 2.00 peregrina (Jambol , SE Bulgaria), limited stock, 10 seeds 3.00 ruprechtiana (Borjomi, Transcaucasus), described in 1961, 10 seeds, 6.00 tenuifolia (Igoeti, Transcaucasus), 10 seeds 2.00 turcica (Beysehir, W Turkey) , 10 seeds 5.00 veitchii (China), 10 seeds 2.00 sp. (Dege, Sechuan-Tibet border, China), 10 seeds 3.00 Paris delavay (Kanding, Sechuan, China), 10 seeds 3.00 mairei (Yunnan, China), 10 seeds, limited stock 3.00 polyphyllum (Meili Shan, Yunnan, China), 10 seeds 3.00 Podophyllum hexandrum (Kanding, Sechuan, China), native! 2.00 Polygonatum cirrhifolium (Himalaya) 2.00 Primula apennina /Auriculastrum/ (Parmese /Tosco/ Apennines), non-calcareous rocks, limited 3.00 carniolica /Auriculastrum/ (Notrjanski Karst, Slovenia), limestone, rare 2.00 kitaibeliana /Auriculastrum/ (Velebit Mts., Croatia), limestone 2.00 latifola /Auriculastrum/ (Valltelina, Italian Alps), calcifuge 1.00 pedemontana (Gran Paradiso, Italian Alps), non -calcareous 2.00 Pulsatilla albana (Sevan Lake, Armenia), yellow fls. 2.00 Ranunculus parnassifolius (Tre Cime, Dolomites, Italian Alps), limited stock 3.00 Ranzania japonica (Japanese woodlander), very early, rare and beautiful 3.00 Romulea bulbocodium album (Cetina valley, Montenegro) 1.00 columnae (Nurdag, SE Turkey), white 1.00 Scilla lilio-hyacinthus ( Col d Aubisqua, Pyrenees) 1.00 roseni (Ardahan, E Turkey) 2.00 roseni (Bakuriani, Transcaucasus) 2.00 Smilacina racemosa (North American woodlander) 1.00 Tecophilaea cyanocrocus (Chile), 10 seeds, very limited stock 5.00 Thalictrum tuberosum (Cuenca, Spain), 10 seeds, big beautiful creamy fls., limited stock 3.00 Tulipa urumoffii (Stara planina Mts., Bulgaria), yellow big fls., rare 4.00 turkestanica (Chimgan Mt., Uzbekistan), native 1.00 Veratrum oblongum (Kanding, Sechuan, China), lower (up to 60 cm), brown fls., very rare 3.00 Viola delphinantha (Olympus Mt., Greece), beautiful and rare 6.00 kosanini (Jakupica Mts., Macedonia), other similar nice and rare sp. 6.00 John T Lonsdale PhD 407 Edgewood Drive, Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA Home: 610 594 9232 Cell: 484 678 9856 Fax: 801 327 1266 Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at http://www.edgewoodgardens.net/ USDA Zone 6b