Tuberous orchids-anyone growing Eulophia?

Mary Sue Ittner
Tue, 18 Jan 2005 07:44:52 PST
Hi Greig,

Having been to Australia twice on botany trips where we were delighted by 
all those wonderful ground orchids we saw in the wild I am intrigued that 
you are growing them in this hemisphere. I think you mentioned that when 
you asked people if anyone had a source for peat, but it never occurred to 
me you'd be growing them outside. How do you propagate them and what kind 
of care to you give them? How cold does it get in Vancouver, Washington or 
is your nursery situated so that you can give them protection?

I'd love to hear more about them. We visited Malcolm Thomas in Australia 
and I believe he was growing his in his greenhouse.

Mary Sue

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