Hi all, PBS is a co-sponsor of the upcoming Int'l Clivia Symposium on March 26 & 27. Early Bird sign up ends January 31 so sign up now, don't wait! There will be a flyer and registration form coming in the next newsletter (I am printing this now and it should be out later this week). For forum members who are not also PBS members, there is lots of information and a downloadable registration form at: http://www.northamericancliviasociety.org/ Registration is limited to room size at the Huntington so please sign up now while there are still seats left. When you get your PBS newsletter, read the flyer...especially the "$$$ Buy of the Year $$$" paragraph. If you have any problems, please contact Jim Shields (of the NACS): JShields@Indy.net If you are not yet a member of PBS (Pacific Bulb Society), please contact me PRIVATELY at: CathyCraigEA@hotmail.com or you can find a membership form on our website: http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/ and scroll down to "membership form". Thanks! See you there in March! Cathy Craig EA