Membership in the Pacific Bulb Society

Mary Sue Ittner
Sun, 23 Jan 2005 19:57:52 PST

I've been getting some questions about how to join the Pacific Bulb Society 
and how to renew. The Pacific Bulb Society sponsors this list, but does not 
require you to be a member to participate. If you join, you are eligible to 
participate in the BX, to receive the newsletters published four times a 
year, and to receive the membership booklet which gives names and addresses 
and bulb interests of the members who choose to share this information with 

Membership is $20 a year for members who receive their mail in the United 
States and $25 a year for those who do not. The membership year is the 
calendar year so all memberships are up for renewal in the new year unless 
you joined for the first time in the last quarter of the year or renewed 
for more than one year. People joining for the first time in the fourth 
quarter are members through the next calendar year.

Renewals should be sent to Patty Colville who handles the membership. A 
membership form for new members can be found on our web site:…
This lists Patty's address and information about how to join using Pay Pal.

Mary Sue

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