PBS Instagram Page News

Bridget Wosczyna via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 12 Mar 2023 20:12:30 PDT
Hello everyone;

It was recently agreed that PBS would begin to forge a larger presence on
social media.  To that end, I will be handling the recently created
Instagram account.

I'm excited to announce this today to our members and persons on the list
that I have made our first post.

If you wish to follow, you need only search Pacific Bulb Society on the
Insta app and you can begin to follow our account.  Be advised that I
intend to keep the page "private" at this point so the page is not spammed.
I will have to approve anyone who wishes to follow the page, if you intend
to follow as a business and not an individual, kindly send me an email to
let me know and I will accept your request.  Otherwise, we'd be seeing all
kinds of offers in post responses and I assure you, some of them can get
strange and irritating.

I wanted to personally thank our member Zeon for grabbing the
@PacificBulbSociety address so that we can utilize the PBS name as the
place to find the page. He created an account when the idea was floated
several weeks ago and he was gracious enough to hand the account over to me
when I asked him to do so.  It was quick thinking on his part as often
others may already be using the name when you try to create a new account.
For this I am very grateful; we have our name in full on the account and
searches for our page will be very easy.

I am keenly aware that not everyone participates in social media.  I'm not
going to encourage anyone to do so if they are not inclined.  That's
totally fine!
The Instagram account will simply be a page with nice pictures and minimal
information on bulbs/flowers/tubers/corms/plants.  It will be an avenue for
people to find PBS and hopefully help us grow our membership.  It will not
have loads of information.  It will have a link to the membership in the
bio.  The Insta account should only be considered a complement to our Wiki
and the Forum. Instagram was not created for long discussions or
deep-dives: it's basically eye-candy to promote interest in whatever
subject is posted.

Do you have something cool or interesting flowering or growing in your bulb
garden?  Feel free to send me a few pictures *privately* and the name of
the plant you're submitting.  We will not be getting in-depth with these
posts since we have the most valuable tool already, our Wiki, which I also
intend to promote.

Feel free to *email me privately with questions* as I don't wish everyone
to be overwhelmed with a thread in thier in boxes.  I'm really looking
forward to PBS having more of a presence on social media.  We need to
encourage beginners and younger people as well as more
experienced plant folks around the globe to join us in our passion of
growing bulbs.

Thanks for your time,
Vice-President/Bulb Exchange Manager
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