wildlife damage

Clifford Brock via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 12 Mar 2023 11:05:47 PDT
Deer, at least here in Georgia, are decimating the herbaceous layer in our forests. Even in my relatively short lifetime, I've seen Trillium populations decline precipitously. A place near my mom's house, located on National Forest land once had hundreds of blooming T. cuneatum, but now is only a scattered remnant of what it was. And I've heard similar accounts from others from different parts of the state, especially in the Piedmont and upper Coastal Plain. While the declines could be attributed to other factors, I suspect deer, armadillos, and hogs to be the primary culprits (in that order). 

This is the elephant in the room that no one seems to want to talk about. Hunters aren't the solution because they seem to be on a mission to kill cayotes, the only real predator we have here in Ga. 
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