Need Volunteers

R Hansen via pbs
Thu, 09 Feb 2023 19:37:54 PST

Oh, yes, I do know, unfortunately. We've had two people step forward to
begin and then two more much more likely to be qualified today. One of the
first two is pretty well known to Mary Sue, me and Jane McGary and he's not
qualified for any position based on our previous experience with him.

As Gastil pointed out, we should try to find younger members as most of us
are graybeards...but appointing a v.p. from current members is quite a sound
idea. Thanks for the advice!



-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [] On Behalf Of
Laura Grant via pbs
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 7:33 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Cc: Laura Grant
Subject: Re: [pbs] Need Volunteers

Hi Robin,
From my past experiences with different hort clubs, iI would recomend you
select vice president from the members of the board that you know well.
Stay away from individuals you do not know. I will not elaborate, but I
know you have been around hort clubs to know what I am talking about.

On Wed., Feb. 8, 2023, 12:15 p.m. R Hansen via pbs, <> wrote:

> Good Morning, or Evening, wherever you are,
> We are still trying to find volunteers to staff the Pacific Bulb Society
> board of directors. While we have been contacted by possible volunteers,
> we'd like to remind all of you that our society runs on the willingness of
> its members to help keep the society going, which means supporting the
> and bulb exchanges, the forum, the list and the monumental bulb
> encyclopedia
> on our website. Every one of us potentially benefits from these perks and
> they are all the result of willing volunteers.
> Most positions take a minimal amount of time. For board members in
> that time consists of meetings of about an hour via Zoom four times a
> That's not much, is it? Your input is needed on the board, particularly as
> our society grows and needs guidance and new ideas.
> Two positions need to be filled: Vice-president - four meetings a year and
> standing in for the president should they be unable to attend a meeting.
> The
> secretarial position does require a bit more work, good spelling (ok,
> there's always Spellcheck, sort of) and making a record of the board
> proceedings, again four times a year.
> If you're hesitant, don't be. If you're a lurker, step forward. What
> training you might need is on the job. You'd be joining a board that has a
> strong ethic of working together in a congenial manner with a willingness
> to
> listen and speak up.
> Your real-world expertise might be in building satellites or running a
> flower shop or selling shoes. You may not realize how much experience and
> knowledge you have that would apply to helping run a group of total plant
> nuts. Contact me or any board member. We're listed with email addresses in
> each Bulb Garden or through the PBS website.
> Please think about volunteering. Without volunteers we would not have such
> an incredible  and special (not to say unique) plant and bulb exchange and
> a
> wonderful website well-known all over the world for information on bulbs.
> So you may not want to volunteer for the board - well surely, you must
> some special knowledge that would be helpful to others via our journal.
> Anyway, jump on board!
> Best regards,
> Robin Hansen
> President
> The Pacific Bulb Society
> --
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