Bob wrote: > I would think a garden writer would know the difference, but maybe we can blame the photo editor. Exactly. Typically at a newspaper the writer delivers the written story, a couple of other people edit it, and the images come from yet another person. The images in this case are credited to Getty Images, meaning someone searched there for "amarine" and "amaryllis" and dropped the results into the page. Hippeastrum snuck in there because "amaryllis" is still the common name often used for that genus. If you go to the Getty Images site and search for "amaryllis" you will see what I mean. I can just picture that photo editor muttering, "well, Getty says this is an Amaryllis, that must be right." King Onyx, there are a few photos on my blog that may be useful: This post shows the blooming sequence for a cross between Amaryllis 'Multiflora' and Brunsvigia josephinae:… s-x.html This post shows a cross between Brunsvigia marginata and Amaryllis 'Multiflora':… Good luck with your project! Mike San Jose, CA _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list… Unsubscribe: <> PBS Forum https://…