Seed Exchange Open for Donations

Jan Jeddeloh via pbs
Wed, 22 Feb 2023 21:17:10 PST
The US seed exchange is now open for donations until further notice. Please read ALL the instructions carefully and contact me at <> if you have any questions.

The seed exchange welcomes all non-ephemeral geophyte seed, but not in unlimited quantities.  I only need enough seed for a maximum of ten packets unless the seed is unusually desirable.  For more common seed I plan to only make up five packets.  Based on past experience this should be enough. Examples of seed with extraordinary desirability would be paramongaia and worsleya.  If you have seeds of these I’d really like to hear from you! Bulbs of these plants are either not available commercially or are very expensive.  For most seed a tablespoon is quite sufficient for five to ten packets.  If your seed is huge (pea size or bigger), it would be appropriate to send a bit more.

I am stressing not sending too much seed because, when I took on this job, I discovered old seed in rather massive quantities, far beyond what we’d ever use.  In one instance someone sent in over a cup (50ml) of seed!  Folks, this should not happen again.  We can’t use the seed and it costs the society money because we reimburse for postage.  Don’t make me throw out seed (I hate that). 

Wild collected seed, with geographic collection information, is very welcome. Wild collected seed must collected in accordance with local laws and applicable regulations.

Please label each bag with the scientific name of the plant and your own name so that all donations are clearly identified and can be referred to the donor. I can take as small as one packet’s worth of seed.  If you are willing to prepack your seed please let me know how many free seed envelopes to send you. I get my seed envelopes from NARGS <> and these are what I will send you.  Be sure to include your mailing address.  Prepacking the seed will greatly reduce my workload.   Each envelope should have at least enough seed for a pot, generally at least 10 seeds. Rare seed can have less. You don’t need to label each packet individually; just clip or rubber band them together.  If you’re unsure how many seeds to packet just send me the seed and I’ll pack it.  If you think your seed will be especially desirable and you have extra seed you can send it in a separate envelop and I will pack it as needed. 

You can also use your own envelopes to prepackage seed but they must 2” to 2.25” wide and 3” to 3.5” high.  The NARGS envelopes and #1 coin envelopes meet these qualifications.  Please do not package seed in plastic envelopes unless they are small enough I can easily pop them into the glassine envelopes. Plastic envelopes alone have a nasty habit of slithering to the bottom and hiding from me as I pick orders.   All the packaged seed is organized in coin boxes for easy and quick order filling.  This is why I need seed envelopes of a particular size. 

No one is required to prepackage seed.  I realize not everyone has the time, finger dexterity or inclination to package seed.  Jane and I have time to package seed.  Please however make sure your seed is clean.  Nobody like dirty seed.

If you wish to donate seed from outside the US please let me know.  I have a Small Lots of Seed Permit I can send you for your donation.  This form is required for all seed entering the US from foreign countries.

As a donor you will get a credit on seed equaling the postage you paid (rounded to the nearest dollar) for your donation.

Please remember that you must be a fully paid member of the PBS to order from our seed and bulb exchanges. You do not have to be a donor to order, all US and Canadian members can order from the US seed exchange.  EU members have a separate seed exchange due to the requirement for a phytosanitary certificate for entry into the EU.

I anticipate the seed exchange will be open for donations until May when I will close it because I’ll be going on vacation for three weeks. Of course the vacation is plant related.  I’m going to the International Rock Garden Conference in Prague and then on to Great Britain to visit gardens.   I don’t have a date at this point for the next seed exchange but will keep you posted. 

Send your seed to:

Jan Jeddeloh

1315 NW 174th Pl.

Beaverton, OR 97006









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