New Board Members for PBS

Hansen Nursery via pbs
Tue, 28 Feb 2023 16:42:06 PST
Greetings, all PBS members,


The PBS board met on Sunday and is excited to announce the appointment of
several board members. For the first time I recall, we have more volunteer
applicants than positions available. Some time ago the board voted to
increase the number of board members from 9 to 11. Although we've had 8-9 in
the past, we decided to fill several positions. We can't say enough for the
great response from PBS members who volunteered and the qualifications
listed. It was a terrific turnout!


The positions of secretary and vice president were filled by Emil Friend
(California), as secretary, and Bridget Wosczyna (currently Bulb Exchange
Director) as vice president. Two other positions for members-at-large have
also been filled: Kathleen Sayce from Washington state, and Kristen Henty
from New Zealand.


In an effort to increase the geographical diversity and range of experience
such as we have with PBS members, we are, for the first time, welcoming a
southern hemisphere member. The time zone challenge has been met (who knew
how significant that could be for countries down south) and we are excited
to have such a range of board members with widely diverse gardening
education and experience, and as all members are - crazy about bulbs!


Please join me in welcoming the new board members. We will in the coming
months include brief biographical sketches of each new board member so that
you can become acquainted with their various interests and experience. These
will appear in the Bulb Garden so that all members can read them.


Best regards,


Robin Hansen, President

For the PBS Board




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