commercial hybrids

ken isaac via pbs
Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:36:07 PST
I'm not sure if they use micropropagation or twin-scaling more, or a combo
of both, for commercial propagation.
I know for hybridizing they have extensive seed operations to grow them out
and select the best ones.

Here's a good twin-scaling article on PBS wiki.…

Modern hybrid Hippeastrums are super-easy to propagate by almost any
cutting method.  A simple one is just halving or quartering your bulbs,
vertically.  Think slicing an apple!  Each section must have a portion of
the basal plate, or course.

You can do a version of twin scaling easily at home. I've got resources
I'll eventually put on the wiki if you are interested.  It's fun, and
faster than seed production, and gives you a clone.

I know there are PBS members with lots of experience with Hippeastrum
hybridizing and propagation.

1 degree F this morning.

On Wed, Feb 1, 2023, 5:07 PM Tim Eck via pbs <> wrote:

> I was wondering if anybody knew how named hybrids are
> propagated commercially.
> I had always assumed they were vegetatively propagated by tissue culture
> but it occurred to me that they could first inbreed them until they were
> virtually homozygous like heirlooms and then just self-pollinate them.
> I began wondering since I noticed some recent year's purchased Hippeastrums
> are showing a higher floral count than in the past.
> Thanks
> Tim
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