late calochortus

Roxanne Duan
Sun, 22 Jul 2018 16:59:28 PDT
Hi Bob,
May I get some of your surplus Calochortus seeds?  I am just getting into
the wondrous world of Calochortus(es) and am completely fascinated by them.

If so, please instruct how I should proceed.

Thank you in advance.

(240) 938-1596 (M)

On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 4:25 PM, Robert Werra <>

> In no. Calif. garden late calochorti in addition to C. plummerae and
> weedii is C. obispoensis.Also in July is the last of moraea bloomers. And
> the most unique and interesting- moraea vespertina. In past years when
> plants were named to help identification they chose vespertina. Why?
> Because it blossomed at the time of evening vespers. That is it opens the
> time that vespers begin and closes 2 hrs. later when vespers end. If named
> now I would call it suppertina. It opens when we begin  supper and closes
> with a late dessert. Super fugacious but worth checking out at suppertime.
> Large white and yellow diaphanous (look it up-I was an english minor)
> blossom on tall stickt stems.It is the only fragrant moraea. It ?self seeds
> generously and has lasted for years. I will have  seeds for the Bx and jf
> you miiss it. also privately. .Bob Werra
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