Zephyranthes germination

Gianinatio via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Tue, 24 Jul 2018 05:22:34 PDT
 Most Z. carinata (formerly grandiflora) are sterile. They may produce sterile seed.  Easiest way to check is float them, in a clear glass container, and check for root growth.  If there's no root growth after 7-10 days, they are most likely infertile seed.   Keep the water cleaned.  Usually fertile seed will germinate quickly and the water will stay fairly clean without changing.  I've found that infertile seed tend to cloud the water in a couple days.   Still, change the water carefully in case a few may be fertile.   Taller glass containers holding more water won't spoil so soon.

Good luck.

John ignacio
    On Tuesday, July 24, 2018, 6:57:38 AM CDT, Shmuel Silinsky <gardenbetter@gmail.com> wrote:  
 My Zephyranthes grandiflora seed is harvested. Last year I tried
germinating it and was a complete failure. I did the flotation till sinking
and then sowed. But then nothing. Any suggestions for this year?

Thanks so much,
Shmuel Silinsky
Jerusalem Israel
Zone 9 Mediterranean Climate
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