Cyclamen and Mice

Hansen Nursery
Wed, 18 Jul 2018 08:06:58 PDT
Speaking of mice and young cyclamen tubers...Judy is correct that they
prefer the young ones.  Many winters ago, we had 2-3 weeks of 14 F
temperatures and 6-8 inches of snow in the northern Willamette Valley.  I
had covered my flats of cyclamen (directly on the ground) with poly so the
snow accumulated on top to insulate.  When I uncovered, the wee beasties had
nibbled on many, many little ones, a few bites here and there, then piled
them in certain 4-inch pots.  They didn't move quite fast enough as I saw
one or more of the little gray animals running as I uncovered.  I was just
starting the nursery and was blown away by what I found!!!  Fortunately, I
had lots of plants, but it was exceedingly painful to toss so many damaged

Hansen Nursery

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