In no. Calif. garden late calochorti in addition to C. plummerae and weedii is C. obispoensis.Also in July is the last of moraea bloomers. And the most unique and interesting- moraea vespertina. In past years when plants were named to help identification they chose vespertina. Why? Because it blossomed at the time of evening vespers. That is it opens the time that vespers begin and closes 2 hrs. later when vespers end. If named now I would call it suppertina. It opens when we begin supper and closes with a late dessert. Super fugacious but worth checking out at suppertime. Large white and yellow diaphanous (look it up-I was an english minor) blossom on tall stickt stems.It is the only fragrant moraea. It ?self seeds generously and has lasted for years. I will have seeds for the Bx and jf you miiss it. also privately. .Bob Werra _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…