Bugs on Crinum and Fritillaria

ES elsedgwick@gmail.com
Sun, 15 Apr 2018 06:05:47 PDT
I am not seeing any bugs or bug damage in the pictures you provided.  In
each picture, there do appear to be crepe mrytle seed pods (which look very
much like beetles) nestled at the base of the leaves - in one case, the
divisions in the pod are even split around a leaf, making it look like a
feeding beetle.  There are also crepe mrytle seed pods scattered on the
ground around the plants.  Do you have a crepe mrytle nearby?

The browning of the leaves on the fritillaria looks most like that one
suffered  frost damage earlier in the season that the others somehow
avoided, but could also be drought/heat/salt stress, rot or some other
issue with the base that is interfering with water uptake.  Other than
that, the plants look healthy to me. I would trim the brown bits if you
don't like how they look and see if any further damage occurs before taking
any other steps.

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