Ants in Pots

John Wickham
Tue, 03 Apr 2018 13:36:28 PDT
Any suggestions for ant control in pots?

    On Tuesday, April 3, 2018 12:42 PM, Hansen Nursery <> wrote:

 Dennis brings up an interesting point (I've had problems with ants farming
mealies and scale.)  that I learned from a pest control person.  Ants farm
aphids and other insect-type creatures.  I was having a terrible problem
with ants around and under the house and was told the ugly 20-foot laurel
hedge in my front yard (I had just moved in.) was a major hiding out place
for them.  There were some 150 feet of hedge in fact so it was a major
undertaking given the bushes were 20-25 feet tall.  It was worth all the
hard work!

I removed almost all the laurel hedges within the first year and have not
had problems since.  

Hansen Nursery

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