critters again

Marianne Culver
Mon, 02 Apr 2018 12:51:59 PDT
Hi Kathleen,
I like your idea of mesh.  Last year with adding  another 6' x20' planting
area we lined it with 1/4" mesh to keep the moles/voles from digging up
underneath the bed has worked like a charm. I have considered doing lids
but the lining has decreased it so much.  I got the idea from some
professional flower farmers that routines line their ditches for tulips
with steel mesh before back filling and planting bulbs densely.   A 10FT
fence and the neighbors lush garden keeps the deer away. LOL

Happy Planting,

Marianne Culver.

On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 3:39 PM, Kathleen Sayce <>

> My spouse is building me a large wire-covered enclosure for seed pots in
> my ongoing struggle with voles, etc. Actually, he is building two mesh
> covers, one for an existing area that is now occupied by 3 stand-alone mesh
> sections over pots (4x4 ft), and a new area (3.5 x 8 ft) with a large
> cover. I can’t wait. And after this week, I really can’t wait.
> In preparation, the protective black deer-deterring mesh was taken down
> over pots in another area, and all pots and planters were lifted to
> break/cut tree roots that have grown up through the pavers into them. I’ve
> learned the hard way to do this by late winter or face much larger roots
> growing into pots in spring. I have no illusions about the tree root
> problem—it will continue in the new mesh areas, where all pots will have to
> be lifted annually so roots can be removed.
> While this mesh was down, some larger animal nibbled the side of a
> stem—not the top—and left the buds to die, on a pot of Fritillaria
> camschatcensis. Annoyed does not begin to describe how I feel about this.
> First buds to form, ever, on the pot. Highly likely to be deer from the
> delicate nibble on one leaf plus just enough stem to kill the top.
> Kathleen
> PNW coast, where we have had 3 rounds of false spring/pre-spring/almost
> spring, and then back into strafing rain/hail/near snow/snow in March, or
> as a friend says, ‘March comes in like a lion here, and leaves like a lion
> too.'
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