The invasion of tiny ants is an annual event where I am, invariably taking up residence in one or two pots on a south facing window. If you have a sudden appearance of these tiny ants in your growing area and it seems localized, pay attention when you water the plants. Watering will cause them to flood to the surface and run all over. You can't be gentle with these, and the only solution is to completely wash off all the soil, destroy the ants and their eggs, and repot. Rick Buell -------------------------------------------- On Thu, 4/5/18, Dennis Kramb <> wrote: Subject: Re: [pbs] ants in pots To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <> Date: Thursday, April 5, 2018, 9:12 AM That might backfire & make them all fierce! Dennis in Cincinnati (who just discovered ants have set up home in a 5" pot of Nematanthus nervosus INSIDE MY HOUSE - ant bait was deployed immediately) _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…