How to grow Dichelostemma ida-maia in a cold climate

Gastil Gastil-Buhl
Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:41:33 PDT
Our friends in snow country must be tired of all that snow because this is the second request in one day of how to grow a warmer climate bulb in a cold climate. This was a question to our contact form. He will watch the list to see the answers so please reply to the list.

> Michael Tongate wrote:
>> The students at the local school had a bulb sale. My wife bought some Dichelostemma (Firecracker). I have read that this is a west coast native. I live in central New York. How well will it do in my climate? Should I even try? Do I have to do any thing special? It is an interesting plant. I have never seen it before. I would appreciate any information that you might have about it. Thank you for your help. 

He has already seen the PBS wiki page for this species here:…

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