Cooler temperatures and increased light seem to make the plants grow more compact. Ernie DeMarie NY Z 7 -----Original Message----- From: arnold140 <> To: pbs <> Sent: Mon, Mar 10, 2014 2:32 am Subject: Re: [pbs] Flop-overs John: I see this in many Gladioli as well. Seems to me that they grow among taller plants. Also our light level here in N. America may be too low. Plants don't develop the tissue turgor that they need to stay upright. Most noticeable in plants in the Arum genus. Arnold On 03/09/14, John Wickham wrote: A lot of my Moraeas and species Gladiolus seem to flopping over in bloom. Do they need a deeper pot, to potted deeper? Or is this always going to be a problem with these taxa when they're potted?