gethyllis spiralis potting medium? (Rick Buell)
Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:48:31 PDT

I have my potful of Gethyllis linearis in a sandy mix.  The roots can reach down into some commercial potting mix but the bulb is in a blanket of sand.  Has flowered reliably for two years .  Neck of the bulbs is at soil level.

New Jersey

On 03/17/14, Rick Buell wrote:

I'm going to be potting up bulbs of g.spiralis that I received recently and I have 2 questions: 1) is the potting mix you're about the same as for albucas, and 2) should these be in a deeper pot of maybe 8" depth, with the top of the bulb about 1.5" under the surface? I have been using a combination of scoria and cactus medium for many albucas, but have heard that they can be planted in plain sand with little else.

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