Hello from a new member

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Tue, 11 Mar 2014 22:57:50 PDT
Welcome to Tom Brown and his interest in Tropaeolum. Wales is a 
pretty wet place to grow most of them!

A good source of Tropaeolum seed is Chileflora. I also got Tropaeolum 
beuthii seed last fall from Kurt Vickery and it has germinated. T. 
azureum seed is often available in AGS and SRGC seed exchanges -- 
that is where I got it. I had Tropaeolum incisum in my former garden, 
but when I tried to dig up the tuber, it had plunged so deep and 
wandered so far I could not find it. Too bad, it is very beautiful!

However, it can take several years to raise a flowering plant from 
seed, or even to get the erratic germination typical of Tropaeolum. 
Perhaps Tom should plan his painting project for a longer term?

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

At 03:05 PM 3/11/2014, you wrote:
>Hi. I have joined pbs to find info. and planting materials for the Genus
>tropaeolum. I live in Wales UK, you can see photos. of our countryside
>at http://www.yfelin.plus.com/ . I have selected tropaeolum as a subject for a
>series of botanical illustrations to be produced over the next year to
>eighteen months. I have recently acquired the following species....
>T. brachyceras; T. ciliatum; T. polyphylum; T. tuberosum Ken Aslet;
>T. piliphera. I would like to add a few others to the list such as T.azureum
>and T. incisum. What I am looking for is a variety of species that would show
>something of the variety of form, habit and colour within the genus 
>in a series of 8
>or 10 paintings.

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