Hi Ken, It doesn't hurt to keep them until you see them shrivel...I've only seen this in Crinum where they refuse to germinate and then just die. Nhu On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Ken <kjblack@pacbell.net> wrote: > I harvested 8 seeds last December, off my Haemanthus barkerae bulb which > produced two separate blooms 3 months earlier, in September. Two of the > seeds germinated and produced leaves almost immediately ... but the other > seeds have yet to do so. The remaining seeds themselves seem to appear > healthy, plump and solid and unaffected by fungi or molds. I've kept them > moist, in bright light but not direct sunlight, outdoors this past very > mild winter here in San Diego. Should I continue to wait and give them a > chance at germination? Should seeds of this species be completely covered, > for better germination? >