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Jim McKenney jamesamckenney@verizon.net
Sat, 29 Mar 2014 13:25:16 PDT
Suddenly it's spring here - and it's about time! In addition to snowdrops, tommies and other early crocus sorts, about a dozen sorts of iris are blooming (unguicularis, lazica, tuberosa and maybe nine reticulate sorts), also blooming are Colchicum hungaricum and the first frit of the year here, Fritillaria stenanthera.

Overnight, foliage of various Erythronium has appeared and spread out flat on the surface, and some of them blend well with the bark mulch on their bed. 

But the real fun is examining all of the emerging sprouts, seeing which ones are particularly fat and promising,  and counting my chickens before they hatch (or get nibbled by the rabbits).

The season here is about two weeks late: I finally planted the first peas only yesterday. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where a wood frog has been calling from the garden pond and the first Magnolia stellata flowers are opening as I type. 

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