PBS website contact:Seed of Cryptostephanus haemanthoides and densiflorus.

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Fri, 28 Mar 2014 12:59:12 PDT
The following inquiry from Anno Torr came to the PBS website. If you 
can help Anno find Cryptostephanus seeds, please reply directly, not 
to this forum.

Jane McGary
Membership COordinator, PBS

>To: janemcgary@earthlink.net
>Subject: PBS website contact:///Seed/ of Cryptostephanus haemanhoides 
>and densiflorus.
>From: Anno Torr <anno@theindigenousgardener.co.za>
>X-ELNK-Received-Info: spv=0;
>X-ELNK-Info: sbv=0; sbrc=.0; sbf=0b; sbw=000;
>This is a message from the PBS website for janemcgary. Hi, I\'m 
>looking for seed of Cryptostephanus haemanthoides and densiflorus. 
>Would you be able to assist me with this request? Kind regards Anno 
>-- Pacific Bulb Society web site email: website@pacificbulbsociety.org

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