Kniphofia hardiness

Mon, 03 Mar 2014 01:19:11 PST
I am interested to know how hardy Kniphofia really are. I can grow most 
Cape and Drakensberg species here in the south of England with little 
problem, but considering our lowest temperature this winter has been 
-3°C (admittedly exceptional, we normally get down to -10°C) it is 
hardly a good test. It would be great to hear which species people have 
found the hardiest and how low did it go? Has anyone tried any of the 
tropical species - I saw K. thomsonii growing outside in Shropshire and 
the person said that it had got down to -15°C - considering I had killed 
it in my own garden I thought this was remarkable? Are there any species 
that should have been hardier - I continually struggle keeping K. 
hirsuta alive but I am on heavy clay soil?


Christopher Whitehouse
Keeper of the Herbarium
RHS Garden Wisley
Woking GU23 6QB

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