Etiolated plants will have a tendency to flop - more light helps. They can be made more sturdy just by brushing them gently with the back of ones hand whenever the chance occurs. I think that many of these plants are designed to flop in nature anyway, it is an effective way to clobber any competing plants! not a desirable trait in a crowded green house though. Peter (UK) On 10 March 2014 16:17, Tim Eck <> wrote: > the short answer is to play > an oscillating fan across them periodically during their development. I do > that with all my seedlings now before trying to transplant them, > > A lot of my Moraeas and species Gladiolus seem to flopping over in bloom. > Do > they need a deeper pot, to potted deeper? Or is this always going to be a > problem with these taxa when they're potted? >