Kniphofia multiflora
Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:48:58 PDT

While on the topic of Kniphofia I was wondering has anyone ever had success germinating K. multiflora?  I have gotten orange and white forms from Silverhill and never had success getting them to germinate, whereas other kniphofias are usually not a problem.  Is there something special this species requires or does the seed need to be inordinately fresh? Also has anyone tried it in cold winter climates?
As for knips in NY after this beastly winter, K northiae took a beating but they are alive, the centers are green or side shoot where present but leaves were browned back, K hirsuta ,K. brevifolia , and caulescens look fine, others have foliage that died back (pauciflora, triangularis, tysonii, and others)  but should, I hope, regrow. Hybrids (one from the Shenandoah valley, and seed grown ones from Chilterns) seem okay with dieback. Did dig in the garden the other day and found a Crinum bulbispermum bulb that appears to be fine.  

Ernie DeMarie

Briarcliff Manor NY watching the drizzle outside, more exciting bulbs blooming under lights in the garage right now, eg Sparaxis elagans, Gladiolus aurea, G tristis, and G. splendens, Hesperantha oligantha, a white Hesperathus received as H vaginata but is not, Babiana villosa red, Geisshorhiza inflexa, and an ugly little Sparaxis sp. of the type that used to be synnotia  with little white and yellow fls.  Also Pelargonium incrassatum and a rather wishy washy form of lobatum. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ellen Hornig <>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Sent: Sat, Mar 29, 2014 10:42 am
Subject: Re: [pbs] re Kniphofia typhoides

Hi, Ernie et al - Yes, K. typhoides did do quite well in Oswego - I think I
left that off my list, along with K. baurii, some forms of K. triangularis,
and K. ichopensis (that one was lovely, but iffy).  At some point I removed
all the K. typhoides, having satisfied myself that it would grow, because
although the bees sleeping on it on cold mornings made a sweet picture, it
was not, if truth be told, especially attractive.

I was top-dressing the front garden here (Shrewsbury, MA) with composted
manure yesterday, and found that the little K. caulescens seedlings I set
out last fall looked just fine - happiness!  That one will always be a
thrill to grow.  These were from NARGS seed, and I don't know whether or
not they'll turn out to be good blue ones - so if anyone out there has
seeds of a really blue form going to waste, I would be very grateful to
have a pinch.  Just a thought!



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