And then there is this: current taxonomic practice is itself practice in the tradition of New Latin. If contemporary taxonomists decide that scientific names should now be spelled a certain way, how is that decision any different than the decision in past times to spell some words in ways not fully in agreement with classical Latin precedent for similarly constructed words? That the motivation for doing this among some contemporary taxonomists is to allow current usage to mirror classical usage is not the real issue: isn't the real issue is to standardize orthographic practice? Taxonomic "Latin" is entirely the product of New Latin (the Latin of Linnaeus), not Old Latin (the Latin of Julius Caesar). The spelling rules evolved through common practice, and they seem to amount to two: one, agreement in specific epithets, and two, the person making up the new name gets to spell it any old way they want, even to the point of completely ignoring agreement and the fact that some of the words they use aren't Latin at all (Camassia quamash). Standardizing orthographic practice in a language system which has already declared that the orthography of Old Latin is not to be followed makes very little sense to me, and it makes even less sense for the meaning of the words. Example, changing Penstemon tubaeflorus ("trumpet-flowered") to P. tubiflorus ("tube-flowered"). And no, "tubiflorus" doesn't also mean "trumpet-flowered" in Old Latin, unless someone can show an instance of it being used that way, say in Commentarii de Bello Gallico. And why not then change Calochortus weedii to C. vidii? New Latin, being a written language using letters and aphthongs not known in Old Latin, has no rules of pronunciation based on a language in which those words could never have existed, and the words in New Latin are correctly pronounced as words in the speaker's native tongue. This is tacitly acknowledged in a number of botanical works where pronunciation is given, e.g. Britton & Brown, Munz's California Flora, etc. Bob