Pacific Bulb Society BX 357

Brenna Green
Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:25:33 PDT
Hi Dell,


On Mar 26, 2014 11:06 AM, "ds429" <> wrote:

> Dear All,
>        The items listed below have been donated by our members and friends
> to be shared.
>  If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me
> mailto:
>  Include "BX 357" in the subject line.
>         Specify the NUMBERS of the items which you would like; do not
> specify quantities. It is a good idea to include your snail mail address,
> too, in case I do not already have it. Availability is based on a first
> come, first served system. When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find,
> included with them, a statement of how much money (usually $2.00/share of
> seeds or $3 - $5/share of bulbs)(cash, check, or Pay Pal to <
>>; no money orders, please) you should send the
> PBS treasurer. Postage and packaging charges are added.
>      Many of you are subscribers to this pbs elist which is free, but are
> not members of the Pacific Bulb Society which has a yearly membership
> Society. If you are not a member, consider joining so that you can take
> advantage of future offers such as this. Go to our website: <
>          If you would like to donate seeds or bulbs/corms to the
> PBS,(Donors will receive credit on the BX for the cost of postage for their
> donations.), please send CLEAN, clearly labeled plant materials to:
> Dell Sherk
> 55 W. High St.
> Salem, WV 26426
> Non US donors should contact Dell for instructions before sending seeds.
> From Uli Urban: (SEEDS)
> 1. Achimenes pedunculata, aerial bulbili
> summer growing winter dormant Gesneriad, upright plant to 1m tall, lots of
> small orange-red flowers, needs good light
> 2. Albuca aurea
> not really yellow, rather greenish yellow upright flowers, stout evergreen
> plant, flowers in spring 50cm tall. Always looks somewhat untidy.
> 3. Albuca shawii (Ornithogalum shawii; Albuca tenuifolia)
> 40cm tall, summer growing, winter dormant, nodding yellow
> unscented flowers, pleasantly fragrant foliage
> 4. Albuca sp.?.
> bought as shawii but distinct. Leaves not fragrant, scented yellow nodding
> flowers, 40cm, possibly a variation of shawii
> 5. Albuca sp.?
> tall white inflorescence, evergreen tidy foliage, very lush plant. bought
> as a very small offset in a California rare plant fair, 1,5m tall.
> 6. Allium cernuum
> charming inflorescence of many dangling purple urns, stamens protruding.
> 60cm tall, very hardy, summer flowering
> 7. Arisaema cf. consanguineum.
> from Chiltern seeds, tall plant, many leaflets arranged radially, green
> flowers, enormous bright red fruit. Not tested for hardiness. 1.2m tall.
> 8. Canna paniculata (?)
> evergreen, no rest period, it will die if you keep it as a dry rhizome.
> flowers in spring rather insignificant. But magnificent foliage plant.
> Identity not certain, from a few grains from Bolivia.
> 9. Dahlia coccinea (var palmeri) (open pollinated, may not come true)
> The original seed was from Harry Hay. Collecting data available. Fantastic
> plant, likes cool summers and/or semi shade. best in September when it
> cools down. 2,5m tall, very elegant, finely dissected foliage, horizontal
> bright orange single flowers. Seeds germinate best in cool conditions. Some
> plants may flower yellow, also attractive. VERY IMPORTANT: the tubers will
> form at a good distance from the main stem, only attached by a thin
> string-like root. It DOES form tubers, take care when digging it up for
> winter storage. Does not reach its adult size the first year from seed.
> 10. Ipomoea lindheimeri
> not a tuber but a fleshy rhizome. Pretty light blue flowers with a cream
> throat, slighty scented. A US native. Easy.
> 11. Lilium 'White Tetra Trumpets'
> like a giant version of Lilium regale but lacking its elegance.
> 12. Mirabilis jalapa tall form
> much taller than the trade form. Up to 1,8m. large mostly purple flowers.
> The tuber is so big that I can hardly carry it when I dig it up for winter
> storage. From cultivated plants in Bolivia.
> 13. Nerine bowdenii Typ Oswald
> From Mr Oswald in the former East-Germany. The origin of this plant is
> obscure. Looks like ordinary N. bowdenii but much hardier. Mr Oswald grows
> his stock plants among the beans and strawberries in his garden, heavily
> mulched in winter. (Zone 7) Seed has sprouted and is forming small bulbs.
> Should be planted immediately on receipt. Summer growing, it should still
> form a small plant this season.
> 14. Nerine alta (N. undulata)(?)
> Bought as N. bowdenii seed from David Human in South Africa but is so
> distinct that I doubt. Very frilled narrow petals, many more flowers per
> stem than bowdenii. Has proved extremely hardy (Zone 7, Temps can go down
> to -20°C) with winter mulch and protection from winter wet. Takes a long
> time to establish. Very attractive. Seed has sprouted as well, see above.
> 15. Tradescantia boliviana
> Only recently described. 80cm tall upright perennial, summer growing,
> strictly and completely dry winter dormancy. Needs full sun to remain
> upright, masses of medium sized purple triangles along the shoots, very
> attractive. Bolivian native.
> 16. Tropaeolum pentaphyllum subsp.  megapetalum.
> The summer growing and winter dormant version of T. pentaphyllum, Has two
> relatively large bright red "ears". Difficult and slow to germinate,
> sometimes germinating very easily. Forms very large sausage shaped tubers,
> strictly winter dormant. Very vigorous climber. Bolivia
> 17. Zantedeschia jucunda, originally from Chiltern seeds, summer growing
> winter dormant species. Attractive foliage is bright green with white dots
> and the flowers are of a very thick wax like texture, very long lasting
> but.... not very numerous. always sets seed but this takes ages to ripen. I
> am not sure if this seeds is properly ripe, the pods went soft  and mushy
> so I cleaned and dried it. The pods remain on the plant long after the
> leaves have died down.
> From Roy Herold:
> Roy says,  "Most of the Rhodohypoxis are blooming size. The Calanthes will
> take another year
> to bloom. Both winter over under the benches of the cool greenhouse but
> may do okay outdoors in Zone 7, or colder with snow cover and/or ideal
> siting."
> Bulbs/Rhizomes:
> 18. Rhodohypoxis 'Albrighton'
> 19. Rhodohypoxis 'Hinky Pinky' (few)
> 20. Rhodohypoxis 'Candy Stripe'
> 21. Rhodohypoxis 'Stella'
> 22. Rhodohypoxis 'Tetra Pink'
> 23. Rhodohypoxis 'Harlequin'
> 24. Rhodohypoxis 'Matt's White' --I received this one from Matt Mattus as
> 'White', possibly due to a lost label. I'm sure it has a proper cultivar
> name (perhaps 'Helen'), but I haven't been able to figure it out for sure.
> 25. Calanthe 'Kozu Hybrids'--Brick Red
> 26. Calanthe 'Kozu Hybrids'--Pink
> Seeds:
> 27. Eucomis vandermerwei (OP, some might be hybrids with E. zambesiaca)
> 28. Eucomis zambesiaca (OP, some might be hybrids with E. vandermerwei)
> From Bill Welch:
> 29. Seed of Narcissus tazetta , best autumn and winter-flowering
> selections, hand-crossed, often with polyploids. Full range of colors
> From Dave Brastow:
> 30. Seed of Zephyranthes macrosiphon
> From Jerry Lehmann:
> 31. Seeds of Actaea pachypoda from cultivated stock
> From Ann Patterson:
> 33. Seeds of Heirloom hippeastrum that was discussed on the list a while
> back. One order only.
> Thank you, Uli, Roy, Bill, Jerry, Dave, and Ann !!
> Best wishes,
> Dell
> Dell Sherk, PBS BX
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