Several years ago a then newly purchased pot of nursery stock from a nursery south of here sprouted some interesting foliage. My first guess was Habranthus robustus. Years passed and the plant in question never bloomed, but it did produce foliage yearly. This year if finally bloomed and produced a nice surprise: it's a Nothoscordum, a genus I had not grown. . The foliage is glaucous and a half inch wide. It's a bit of a giraffe: the scapes are two feet high; the flowers are comparatively small but very sweetly scented. I'm keeping it for its scent. I took a look at the wiki but could not decide from what I saw there what I have. Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where a week ago a late frost zapped the eggplants in a neighbor's garden and where today the heat is zapping the roses and the humidity is zapping my energy.