Freesia laxa

patty allen
Tue, 28 May 2013 10:18:02 PDT

Hi Mary Sue,
I don't grow the blue form, but I am certainly interested to see if they would do for me here is South East Texas. Anything BLUE catches my eye.
Have you guys heard of anyone else in this area of Texas trying to grow them. I think the white ones are beautiful also. You are so right about the red ones taking over, but I still think they are pretty and I just plant them somewhere else!

Patty Allen
In HOT Southeast Texas
-----Original Message-----
>From: Mary Sue Ittner <>
>Sent: May 28, 2013 11:41 AM
>To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
>Subject: Re: [pbs] Freesia laxa
>Most people have found the blue form of Freesia laxa much less 
>vigorous and harder to grow than the red and white forms. Some of us 
>never had success even though we could grow the others easily.  So 
>even though I had failed a number of times before, since Gastil 
>continued to offer these on the BX and I like blue flowers and had a 
>high BX credit I decided to give them another try. I reasoned perhaps 
>there would be something in the genetics of her plants that made them 
>easier to grow. None of the seeds germinated for me. It's strange 
>that this plant from a summer rainfall area blooms for her in winter 
>Anyone else have luck growing Freesia laxa subsp. azurea and if so 
>how do you treat it, as a summer grower or a winter grower?
>Mary Sue
>>These grow easily from seed and flower in one or two  years. These 
>>are not weedy like the red ones.
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